Learn about the Lash Lift & Brow Lamination Competition

Criteria for Lash & Brow Categories

General Competition Rules & Code of Conduct:

  • No refunds of competition fees are given. Competition entrance fees are non-transferable.
  • Competitions are open to students and professional technicians of all skill levels.
  • The Skin Games reserves the right to refuse entry to any competitor.
  • Competitors and models must be at least 16 years old.
  • Competitors must specify the competition division they are entering when the registration form is filled out.
  • Once a competitor has registered they cannot change divisions.
  • Each competition will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner
  • A 1-10-point judging system will be used; – 1 being the lowest – 10 being flawless.
  • Competitors must use and arrange for their own model for the event.
  • Competitors who do not understand English must supply their own translator. The translator must be present during the competition briefing and stay just outside the competition floor in a designated area during the competition in the event they are needed for communication with the competitor. This must occur only by communicating via a floor judge.
  • No eating allowed – only non-alcoholic drinks in the competition arena.
  • All photos/video taken by The Skin Games personnel or contractors are the sole property of the organizer, to be used in whatever fashion deemed appropriate by the organizer without compensation to the competitors.
  • After registration, you will be sent a confirmation email. If you do not receive this, please contact the organizer urgently as it means your registration has NOT been processed.
  • You must use sterile tools for each competition category, so changing tools between each model is vital and you will be marked down if this is seen to not be the case by floor judges.
  • For best safety  practices, you will need to keep your area clean and disinfected.

The Competition Floor:

  •  Only competitors and their models may enter the competition arena. Any other person entering the arena must obtain permission from the organizer or floor judges.
  • Competitors will be allowed to set up their tools and products during the competition briefing. All kit boxes and bags (other than personal handbags that should be placed under the chairs) will be moved to the back wall of the arena. 
  • Each competition will have a briefing, scheduled 20 minutes prior to the start of each event.
  • Competitors and models must be present for the briefing.
  • Once the allotted time is up, competitors must immediately stop working (and stand with their model)
  • Any competitor found to still be working on their model after the close of the competition will be disqualified by a floor judge.
  • Models must not leave the judging arena until they’ve been judged by all  the judges. 

Finally to note…


  • The Judges’ decisions are final. If you would like to see your score sheet, please reach out to
  • Be kind to your model. It is a long day for them. Make sure they take a bathroom break before the competition. 
  • The Skin Games organizers will provide all competitors with a bed, chair, and trolley. Participants must provide their own tools, accessories and products.
  • The Skin Games Organizers DO NOT provide models. 
  • All competitors should arrive promptly at the stated registration time according to the competition schedule.
  • Competitors and models will have to check-in and collect their badges to be allowed onto the competition area.
  • Competitors will be given 20 minutes to prepare, clean their models lashes and apply eye pads.
  • Competitors are not allowed to start lash lift or brow lamination application before the announcement. 
  • During The Skin Games the competitors must follow ALL the rules and regulations. 
  • Competitors must wear appropriate professional uniform and hair should be tied back during the competition.
  • An announcement will be made at the end of the competition. All competitors must stop work immediately, lay their tools down, clean their workspace and leave the competition arena as soon as possible.
  • Models are not allowed to leave the competition area until their lashes have been examined by each of the judges. After judging, they will need to stay in the competition area for a photoshoot.

Judging method:

Every effort is made to ensure that qualified judges are provided. Judges meet prior to the competition, so all are clear on what and how they are judging and their responsibilities.

Judging sheets are made available to competitors after the awards ceremony and judges will make every effort to be available for any questions/critique afterwards, although this is not guaranteed.

 Every effort is made to make sure the judges are a mix of experts from around the world. It is your responsibility to read all the rules and obtain clarification on any you are not 100% certain of.

 Judge’s decisions are final and all entries are judged on the exact same criteria.

Have all your questions clarified before the competition to ensure a more satisfying experience.

If you have any further questions, please contact